We offer accommodation and support Unaccompanied Asylum Seekers who have arrived in the United Kingdom and are seeking asylum.
We provide temporary housing and shelters for Unaccompanied Asylum Seekers. This also includes information or referrals to safe and secure housing options. We can assist with access food banks, voucher programs, or clothing drives.
We understand that the asylum seeking process is often complex and our service provides information and connect Unaccompanied Asylum Seekers with legal aid or social workers who specialize in asylum cases.
We also offer translation services for appointments, paperwork, or simply conversations.

What We Offer:
- Safe and Supportive Environment: We can connect you with services that can provide you with safe accommodation and basic necessities.
- Guidance Through the Asylum Process: We can help you understand the asylum process and connect you with legal representation.
- Mental and Emotional Wellbeing Support: We understand that you may have experienced trauma and hardship. We can connect you with counsellors and other mental health professionals.
- Education and Training Opportunities: We can help you access education and training programs to help you build a future in the United Kingdom.
- Social Activities and Friendship: We can connect you with other young people who have similar experiences and help you build friendships.
Additional Information:
- You have the right to seek asylum, regardless of how you arrived in the United Kingdom.
- There are people who want to help you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out.
- All our services are confidential.
- We have a team of professionals who can support you every step of the way.
Useful Resources
- British Red Cross – support for refugees
- Refugee Action – support for refugees and asylum seekers
- Refugee Council – offers advice and support to UASCs in the UK.
- Gov.uk – may have resources available for Unaccompanied Asylum Seekers.
- Turn2Us – information on benefits for asylum seekers
- Asylum Aid – support for asylum seekers
- The UN Refugee Agency – has information specifically about unaccompanied asylum-seeking children
- The Children’s Society – unaccompanied minors information
- NSPCC – unaccompanied children information
Contact Us:
- If you need help, please call our free helpline at 01536 639 028
- You can also contact us by email at info@rdcare.co.uk
- We have staff who can speak multiple languages.