

Corby Business Centre, Eismann Way, Corby, NN17 5ZB

Invoice Number INV-0107
Invoice Date May 27, 2019
Total Due £746.33
Precious Hope Care

Precious Hope Health and Home Care Ltd
Redhouse Road

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
1 Previous Balance

invoice 89 was paid less £31.26

4 Sit In

13.05.19 Sit In Moulton (NC)

2.5 Sit In

13.05.19 Sit In Moulton (NC)

4 Sit In

14.05.19 Sit In Moulton 1st two hours charged double rate due to zero hours requesting carer. (NC)

2 Sit In

14.05.19 Sit In Moulton (NC)

4 Sit In

14.05.19 Sit In Moulton (NC)

3.5 Tea Calls

16.05.19 Tea Calls Northampton (AZ)

2.5 Bed Calls

16.05.19 Bed Calls Northampton (AZ)

3.5 Tea Calls

17.05.19 Tea Calls Northampton (AZ)

2.5 Bed Calls

17.05.19 Bed Calls Northampton (AZ)

4 Tea Calls

18.05.19 Tea Calls Northampton (AZ)

3 Bed Calls

18.05.19 Bed Calls Northampton (AZ)

0.5 Morning Calls

19.05.19 Morning Calls Wellingborough (AZ)

7 Morning, Lunch, Tea Calls

19.05.19 Morning, Lunch, Tea Calls Wellingborough (AZ)

2.5 Bed Calls

19.05.19 Bed Calls Wellingborough (AZ)

3.5 Tea Calls

19.05.19 Tea Calls Wellingborough (NC)

2.5 Bed Calls

19.05.19 Bed Calls Wellingborough (NC)

Sub Total £746.33
VAT £0.00
Total Due £746.33

Rainbow Direct Care, Sort Code 09-01-29, Account No 25359879