

Corby Business Centre, Eismann Way, Corby, NN17 5ZB

Invoice Number INV-0136
Invoice Date July 25, 2019
Due Date August 1, 2019
Total Due £3,396.24
EJ Care

7 Corporation Street, Corby, NN17 1NG

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
11 Cover

Cover over Two Weeks in the week
12.07.19 6hrs Sitting In DB
12.07.19 4hrs Sitting In RK
15.07.19 1hrs Morning Call MC

53.05 Cover

Cover over two weeks 08.07.19-21.07.19 charged @ weekend rate
13.07.19 6.5hrs (RB)
14.07.19 12.5hrs Long Day
14.07.19 6hrs Calls
14.07.19 10hrs Long Day
20.07.19 6.15hrs Morning, Lunch Calls
20.07.19 6.5hrs Sitting In (RB)
21.07.19 5hrs Morning, Lunch Calls

8 Live In

13.07.19-21.07.19 Live In (ES)

2 Managing Services

6.07.19 -20.07.19 Managing and auditing Services

204 Mileage

14.07.19 Northampton
15.07.19 Northampton, Campbell House, ES house
15,16.07.19 Nassington transport
16.07.19 Nassington

1 Reimbursement

Taxi money to ES from Hospital

Sub Total £3,396.24
VAT £0.00
Total Due £3,396.24

Rainbow Direct Care, Sort Code 09-01-29, Account No 25359879